How to Find Unique Keyword Phrases


how to find unique keyword

How to find unique keyword phrases is one of the more challenging parts of running an online business. It's easy to see why. The biggest and most popular search engines - Google, Yahoo!, and Bing - constantly change their algorithms, which can mean a lot of changes in how your site appears in search results. And when it comes to SEO, there are literally thousands of keyword techniques and strategies that you have to learn. One of the best ways to find out how many other sites are using the exact same keywords you're trying to target is by learning how to find unique keyword phrases.

So how do you go about learning how to find unique keyword phrases? Luckily, there are two great sources for this information. First, you can use software to help you find the best optimization keywords. Second, you can go online and find lists of popular keyword phrases and tools to analyze your competition.

Software tools are very useful for finding optimization keywords. They'll give you an idea of what the top keyword phrases are, how many pages are optimized with those keywords, and where the traffic is coming from. But these keyword analyzers are only as good as the data they are based on. If the competition you see is shifting every day, you could end up miscalculating the effects of a certain change in one of the factors and underestimate the power of that change. Using software doesn't solve this problem.

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